"I want you to remember who you are, despite the bad things that are happening to you. Because those bad things aren't you. They are just things that happen to you. You need to accept that who you are and the things that happen you, are not one and the same." –Colleen Hoover
Today I'm beginning our behind-the-scenes look at each item in our Holiday 2017 Collection by going alllll the way back to the very beginning of our online shop, back in March of 2016: The Fine & Good pennant. (It's also the very first product ever in our online shop!!)
I designed our original "Fine & Good" pennant as a reminder for myself that life's hard seasons don't have to mean that I'm damaged or unloveable. I had been struggling with depression, and feelings of unworthiness on a daily basis, to the point that I was unable to get out of bed some days. I felt like I was in the longest, darkest tunnel with and swirling vortex of hopelessness and no visible end in sight. I came across this phrase in the most unassuming of places; while watching an episode of GIRLS on HBO (thank you, Lena Dunham!) It stuck with me during that dark season, and gave me something to say to myself when I was having a rough day. I wrote it down on a piece of paper and put it in a place I could easily see every day. This pennant is a beacon of hope for me because it is a reminder that when things go wrong, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with me. Like Colleen Hoover's quote above, it's just something that happened, and I'm still fine and good.

If you're struggling with depression or anxiety, I hope that this post has let you know you're not alone. Reach out to a trusted friend, a counselor, or email me if you need someone safe and nonjudgemental to talk to. It's important that you get support in the struggle. I know it's so hard to ask for help, but I promise the people that love you and care for you want to hear how you are doing (on a deeper level than just the surface level "Hi, How are you/I'm fine" response we give when passing a coworker in the office hallway). We're in this together, and you are SO fine and good.
This year I am so pleased that we are finally bringing back this affirming design in a new color way for our Holiday 2017 Collection!
If you need a gentle and beautiful reminder of this truth in your home, you can now PREORDER the 2017 white color way until 11/3/17 by clicking here. It will still be available while supplies last after 11/3, but our special PREORDER pricing will no longer be offered.