This week's featured ambassador is another Love Everywhere OG, Maddie!! She's not only a mega-babe, she's also one of the most talented and doodletastic Ohio girl's I know (and she has a big, shiny, golden heart, too!)
Read more about her below!

Hello, everyone! My name is Maddie and I am a proud member of Love Everywhere. I am on the brink of twenty, pursing a degree in nursing, building a band with my best friend, fostering a relationship with a wonderful dude and chasing after my faith like never before. Nothing makes me happier than using my gifts and lifting others up and I hope to always use my love for art and music to impact the people around me! I value authenticity, vulnerability, loyalty, kindness, and respect and I love being around people who radiate those characteristics.

I am an avid reader, music maker, and art creator. I am at my most relaxed and content self when I am either creating something or soaking in the creativity of someone else through a good book.

Being a semi-clumsy, scatterbrained, 5 foot 2 blonde, my life riddled with funny “Maddie” moments. Most recently, I hurriedly got dressed in the dark and just threw on some running shorts and a t-shirt. Upon arriving at my destination, I discovered that I had put my pants on backwards and inside out. I put too much faith in the fact that I knew how to dress myself.

Although I do have two left feet and am a total white girl, I love to dance. If there is music, you can bet that I’ll be doing a little jig. My signature move is the Bernie Lean, mostly because you do not need any skill to do it and is just a naturally ridiculous little move. I admire anyone who can move their body in a semi-smooth and organized fashion.

I have always wanted to try and audition for The Voice! If I ever got the chance to, I would sing Gracious Tempest by Hillsong Young & Free (The live version of this song!). I utterly adore this song because I think it paints such a sweet picture of Jesus and the love I believe he has for us. It is simple, thoughtful and absolutely beautiful.

I have a lot of love for my home state of Ohio. One of my favorite things to do is use the Olentangy Bike Trail that connects from Worthington, Ohio to downtown Columbus. Every year I gather a few friends and we go on the 30 mile round trip bike ride and see the best of what Central Ohio has to offer. It takes you along the Olentangy River, though Ohio State’s campus and into historic Victorian Village! It is so pretty and it is one of my favorite things to do in Columbus.

If there was a movie produced about my life I am pretty sure it would be a romantic comedy. Although, instead of my boyfriend being the romantic one it would revolve around me buying myself flowers and laughing at my own jokes. I am pretty sure Amy Schumer wold play me because she’s real (Seriously, spend 6 minutes and watch her interview on The Ellen Show!) and we kinda sorta look alike.

My best friend and I have a band called Stable & Solace. We spent a solid day trying to find a name that fit us, our faith, and the mission we feel called to. We landed on Stable & Solace because we want to source of stability and comfort for those around us, and we want our music to reflect that!