My name is Megan Zeddies and I am the new intern for Love Everywhere and am excited to get started! I am a junior Marketing major at Belmont University in Nashville, TN and I think what I love most about this town is that you can always find something to do. From hanging in hammocks in parks, to finding new restaurants and hearing great music everywhere, it’s no wonder that everyone wants to come here! I also really love hiking, either in mountains or around lakes. Lucky for me, near Nashville are numerous lakes as well as nice hikes in the Smokey Mountains and surrounding areas.
My favorite season would have to be fall because it provides perfect hiking weather, as well as beautiful tree colors. Fall clothes are the best, I’m not sweating walking to my classes and it’s so pretty! Plus, I think the best food comes out this time of year.

If I could have anyone’s job, it would actually be someone I’ve never met but have heard about his career through my best friend. The way I hear it, he gets to travel to other countries and learn how chefs make authentic dishes in their country! By finding out how and what they use, he then gets to decide what to bring back to the grocery stores here to be sold. I think this would be a dream for me because I love food (I have a nutrition minor) and I really love exploring and traveling (I’m studying abroad in Rome soon!!).

I would say my guilty pleasure is my undying love for Carly Rae Jepson, but she’s the voice of a generation and very talented so I don’t actually feel guilty about it…
I just read “Same Kind of Different as Me” by Ron Hall and Denver Moore and cried my eyes out, even though I rarely cry. I would definitely suggest reading it because it changes how you see everyone (in a good way).

If I could sing one song on The Voice it would 1. Be atrocious and 2. Probably something from Fleetwood Macs live album, The Dance. I have been “practicing” this song for at least 18 years because my family ALWAYS listens to it as we drive out to Colorado for family vacation at least once a year. My older brothers and I know it way too well.