Every week we love to share more about one of our amazing Ambassador team members, and this week we are bringing you the beautiful Amy Goodgion of Dayton, Ohio. She's oozing with creativity and thoughtfulness, and is just a gem of a human. Read more about her love of popcorn and her favorite book recommendation.
Do you have any hobbies?
YES! I like hobbies, almost as much as ice cream (is the love and consumption of ice cream a hobby? -if so add that to the list)! I grew up dancing so I have loved to dance as long as I can remember but not recreationally, meaning dont watch me if youre trying to be impressed by my moves on the dance floor at a wedding or something. However, if you want to learn how to do a double pirouette ill be your girl. I also LOVE playing my ukelele, hand lettering, watercolors, yoga, any crafts, and snuggling my cute husband!

Favorite food?
Gosh I have to pick one…okay, I love popcorn! I would choose a bowl of popcorn for dinner any day of the week. Plain popcorn, caramel corn, kettle corn, cheese-y corn (is that a thing?), ALL THE POPCORN!
Favorite thing about humanity?
I think my favorite thing about humanity is our ability to be awed. Simply put, we all have that inner feeling of wonder when we see something beautiful or experience something powerful or truly learn what love is; it’s that purest form of respect for something that fills us with both fear and wonder.

What book are you currently reading or one you would recommend to anyone?
Oh goodness I am constantly reading at least like 3 books at a time. But the one book I come back to year after year is One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. She writes as if she is literally painting the most beautiful scene or moment like one as simple as shredding cheese and it is just saturated with the learning to give thanks and gratitude for a world and life we don’t deserve. Its both humbling and challenging and just dang beautiful to read!
Whose wardrobe would you want to swap with?
Um anyone on pinterest who has the minimalist/capsule wardrobe thing actually together. I’ve been trying (and failing) for like a year so i’d happily pick up that wardrobe and wear it proudly to spare myself from having to find the perfect items for my own capsules. Also, im like 545 feet tall (5’10” im not dramatic at all) and length is a STRUGGLE so any tall persons minimalist/capsule wardrobe please!

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Okay i’m not that big of a TV person, I don’t follow recent episodes of new shows much. BUT I have watched Gilmore Girls (the whole series) like 6 times and Friends like 3 times through. Put a new show in front of me and i’m like nah. But put a show on i’ve seen 679 times and i’m down (but only if there’s popcorn).