It is such an honor to share this week’s featured Love Everywhere ambassador with you today: The beautiful inside and out, Christine Errington of The Hipster Housewife! She lives in Sharon, Massachusetts with her sweet family, and she is one of the most hopeful/joyful people I know. One glance at her Instagram, and you’ll see exactly what I mean. Read more about some of Christine’s favorite things below!

What's the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for you?
The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me is definitely more like a million acts of love from my father. He goes out of his way to support me, to forgive me when everyone else in my life had disowned me over my addiction, and believe in me, always. Because of my father I understand what grace is, I was able to be saved and now I know the grace of Jesus Christ. It was my father’s love, his million acts of kindness that is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Best part is? He continues to do it everyday, and I’m able to give back to him now. I know you’re reading this, so I love you daddy.

What's your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is absolutely art supplies. Let’s just say my Amazon Prime gets a lot of use! I justify it because it is for my work, but does anyone really need hundreds of expensive markers? Probably not!

Favorite quote?
My favorite quote is from the book of Isaiah, 1:18 “Come, let us reason together sayeth the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.”

Do you have kids/pets?
I have three beautiful step children, and one awesome pitty puppy. Cadence is 10, Jaxon is 8, and Maddie is 6. They have taught me more about love, sacrifice, and surrender than anything I’ve ever experienced. Family is more than blood and names, and these children are mine as sure as they are the Lord’s. And my puppy girl Sage, what can I say? She brings me crazy joy everyday. Her tail literally never stops wagging, and misconceptions about pitbulls have got to stop!

Favorite season and why?
Spring is my favorite season, specifically when the lilacs start to bloom at the end of our driveway. It just fills me with such joy!

Why did you want to be an LE Ambassador?
I wanted to be an LE Ambassador because I am called by my faith to share love! To be good news to the world! It’s just a bonus that I love to create beautiful things. And whether you are Christian or not, the world needs more love, especially in the time we are living in. The news is horrifying today. If I can spread even a little love and light out into the darkness, sign me up. This is an important movement because love heals people, love changes people, it breaks down the dividing barriers between us. Love wins.