This week's featured Love Everywhere ambassador is one of the most beautifully positive and creative souls I have ever had the privilege of working with, Arika Stovall! Just one look at her Instagram and you'll see her unique and uplifting perspective as well as her genuine love and passion for life. Her adventurous spirit is so inspiring to me, and we are so lucky to have her on our team! Read more about this new Jacksonville, Florida transplant below!
What is your favorite quote?
“Don’t be eye candy, be soul food.”
I am a firm believer in it’s what’s on the inside that counts. While we have the power to really enhance the way we look and sugar coat our appearance by putting on loads of make up; we can’t contour our personality! I believe the most beautiful thing about someone is their heart; whether they’ve got the status of a super model or just an ordinary person. That’s what makes someone stand out, that makes people love them, and that is what leaves a mark in the world. Looks only go so far; and I know when I pass I want to be remembered for who I am, not how I looked.

What is your favorite thing about living in the city your city?
Well, I JUST moved to a new city! And that right there is my favorite thing about it. After living in Nashville, TN for about 5 years, I decided to up and move to Jacksonville, FL to follow my dreams. I love that as each new day comes, I learn something new. And that every time I hop in my car to go to work or run an errand, I notice or see something I haven’t before. I love meeting new people here and learning their stories. And literally winging it everyday. I have so much to learn about Jax and so much to see. And it definitely doesn’t hurt that I'm right by the beach!

What is your favorite thing about humanity and why?
This question is an interesting one. It’s not always easy to see the good in humanity since it feels like sometimes, especially lately, the world is falling apart. With all the terrible and heartbreaking events going on all over the world, it is important to be a light. And my favorite thing about humanity is that regardless of whatever is currently happening, there are still people who love without limits and bring light to any situation, despite how bad things get. Those are the people who will change the world.

Who’s wardrobe would you swap with and why?
Oh. My. Gosh. Anyone know Natasha Oakley? Well, you totally should. On top of building her own business up from scratch and being so inspirational; she is such a babe!! Her main & favorite kind of outfit is a bikini, and if you ask me…that’s a pretty awesome closet to live out of. She has a bikini and fitness line that she runs with her best friend and those two types of clothing goes hand-in-hand with my favorite things: beach bumming and staying active. And when she's dressed up, she always looks so incredible. But the thing that makes her so beautiful is her confidence. She rocks any outfit so well because she knows who she is and she is happy with that. And anything looks good when you rock it with confidence.

Why did you want to be an LE Ambassador?
Simply put, Love Everywhere is a concept that I support whole-heartedly. I believe that we are put on this earth to spread love to everyone we come in contact with. I believe love can solve anything in this world, and that it will change the world. I’ve been blessed with the gift of creativity and hand-lettering. And thanks to social media and this awesome account, I’m able to spread it by using those gifts! I’m thankful not only to be an ambassador, but more-so to really impact people with the things I make. You never know how one small word or act of kindness can totally shift a person’s day for the better, so why not contribute to that?