Every Friday we have the opportunity to spotlight one member of our amazing ambassador team. These are the stellar hearts behind many of the encouragements we share here on our blog and on our Instagram. This week's featured ambassador is one of the newest members of our team, the lovely Brittany Torres, from Las Vegas, Nevada!
Read on below about her love Youtube and food obsession: french fries :)
Where do you live, and why do you love living in your city?
I absolutely LOVE living in the city of Las Vegas, NV with my sweet husband our 2 puppies. Because well people always love to visit because it's Vegas! But manly because this city need Jesus then most I'd say. So it's amazing being able to be here and spread kindness and Jesus' word. I've always made some of the sweetest friends through Instagram here in Las Vegas! Plus, there are amazing coffee shops (obviously that's the main reason)

What's your favorite food?
Hands down French fries! If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be French fries!
Why did you what to become a Love Everywhere ambassador?
I love the idea behind these cards! Being able to write encouragement, Jesus' promises, kindness and being able to leave them in places for strangers to read. Not knowing who reads it and maybe that's the truth they needed to hear in that moment of life. Plus this community of women are those I wanna fill my life with!
What's your guilty pleasure?
I love watching YouTube more then the average human! From vegan food videos to funny cat videos; I just love being able to live vicariously through people who's lives are cool enough to make videos about!
What's your favorite season?
SUMMER!!! I know I know it's an oven here in Las Vegas, but I love being able to wear shorts, tank tops, and sandals while being on the river with friends, eating watermelon!