This week's featured ambassador is one of our very first international ambassadors, Lailanie Fronda! It has been such an honor to have her spreading love & kindness in her beautiful country-the Philippines! Read more about her below!

What is your favorite thing about living in your city?
My favorite thing I love in our town is its verdure. I’m a nature lover, so I consider it a bliss to live where there is less pollution, less complication (less traffic, compared to the city), and less stress. As a vegan, I can enjoy fresh produce for a cheaper cost from the local markets. There are organic farms, fields of different crops and plants.

I live near my alma mater, Adventist University of the Philippines. Inside the campus, I can freely run. Running is an integral part of my lifestyle, and it’s the best place to train for race events. There are lots of trees and flowers. The hilly route [sometimes trail] is an advantage, since it challenges me to run more of pleasure, rather than of pressure.

I’m a travel blogger and a writer for a company (Manila) and an e-magazine (Bangkok). I’m flexible and adaptable. I work either at home or at the different places I travel to. But I am more relaxed working in my place, I can focus amidst the verdant scenery. Just imagine how refreshing it is for me to wake up in the morning and to gaze the corn and pineapple field at the backyard, just outside the window.

What's the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for you?
The nicest thing that someone has ever done for me is when a CEO friend knew that I just ended my previous job, he offered me a position in his company and offered a good commission/compensation (with other awesome privileges). I’ve started writing for his company and has been in an event which I love – a vegan joyride! We had an acquaintance and food trip to different vegan cafés and restaurants. I’ve got to know vegans from all walks of life: vegan restaurant owners, company owners, models/TV hosts, school administrator and students – compassionate people indeed!

It's Thursday; you just won a free trip to Iceland leaving on Monday. Your flight and hotel are booked; your visa is ready. What are the top five things you do before you leave?
As a travel lover, I can only grin at the thought of traveling to Iceland. The top five things to do is to: 1) Have a quality time spent with family and some close friends. Either have a mini thanksgiving feast at home or in a not-so-fancy restaurant. I’ll surely miss them when I’m out of the country, so, it’s good to have great memories to bring along. 2) Pack my travel stuff, bring appropriate clothing, footwear and accessories. Make sure that I bring medicine kit (just to be sure when I get colds while adapting to the weather). Travel light, avoid bringing unnecessary stuff – just enough clothes for the trip. 3) Plan my travel itinerary. Research for awesome activities to be done in the tourist destinations in the area. Prepare LE cards to bring along. The most interesting part of the tour is to leave love cards behind in the restaurants, museums or libraries. 4) Keep in touch with friends or acquaintances who live near the area. So, there’s a chance of meeting them and visiting them. 5) Have a special ‘me-time’. Either have a morning run or go to the gym, or spend the whole afternoon just reading a wonderful book then go to the spa for a massage.

Do you have any hobbies?
Few among my hobbies include: 1) Reading -- I’m a voracious bookworm; 2) Writing, not only in my blogs (Curly Bookworm and Wanderful Wordsmith), but in my journal. I also write gratitude notes and put them in my sunshiny canister (Elizabeth Gilbert’s happiness jar’s counterpart). 3) Making gift cards and writing billet-doux -- I’m an old soul and old school is cool for me (snail mail, post cards, etc.). 4) Cooking -- I love to experiment and discover new vegan recipes. 4) Singing and playing guitar – I can sing not only in the bathroom! Haha! 5) Outdoor adventure – hiking, spelunking and camping.

What is your favorite quote?
“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” -John Bunyan
In our world full of pride, self-centeredness, self-gratification and indifference, it’s fascinating that love, compassion and selflessness have been thriving! People usually give, with the motive of getting something in return. But selfless giving isn’t obsolete yet. The culture of generosity is being strengthened by compassionate campaigns and advocacy. I’m so blessed to have been given the wonderful privilege to be part of our Love Everywhere movement, when we could give simple acts of love and kindness without expecting anything in return. And we never know how far the ripples of influence could reach, right? And we could make the world happier, one person felt loved at a time.

What book are you currently reading?
The current book I’m reading is Through Gates of Splendor, written by Elisabeth Elliot. Aside from the rich experience being gained through the quasi-time travel to early 1950’s in the remote and jungle areas of Ecuador, this classic best seller gave a glimpse of glory of the life spent in active selfless service to others, especially the unreached people who aren’t civilized (Quichuas) and a head-hunting tribe (Aucas) – even at the expense of the five missionaries’ lives. Their death were not in vain. I’ve watched The End of the Spear (Waodani Tribe), the counterpart of the book (same title), which is kind of sequel to Through Gates of Splendor. I’ve been blessed and moved to serve others selflessly too!